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The immense seawater surge from Hurricane Sandy has had serious implications on restaurant and wine merchant's businesses in New York. Efforts to empty cellars were all in vain, as water levels rose and flooded. It was also suggested that there may be a serious 'knock -on effect' to the collectible market.
In Brooklyn,Ron Kyle at Dry Dock wines and spirits,claimed he was able to prepare for the trauma of the approaching flood, by managing to put his wines and spirits on the main floor of his shop. 'But business is out for the time being'.He added.'The business needs major restructural work.'
At Pasanella and son,one of the finest wine shops in New York City,Mr Marco Pasanella stated that 'The store sustained significant damage.Fortunately my family are ok,but also the neighbourhood is in a complete mess.Everyone's basements were flooded!'
Others further from the coast were not hit as hard,but lack electricity.Astor Wines and spirits,and Morrell wines to name but two.
At the larger end of the scale,Christies returned to business on Oct 31st.A spokesperson said,'Our wine warehouse was dry protected and secure throughout.'
The long term impact on the wine trade is not yet established.'The number of fine wine private collections damaged is anyone's guess.' said an expert.
Elsewhere in New York,one wine shop had a huge increase in business ,as buyers ordered extra cases of wine to 'get them through the storm.' said John Samuel,of Breukelen cellars. Meanwhile,some bars and restaurants survived throughout the storm,and quickly boomed business with specially created hurricane themed cocktails.